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Jürgen Schaefer, deputy editor-in-chief, Geo magazin  (about the "Brazil Superpower" story)


Born in East Germany behind the Iron Curtain, later educated as commercial photographer in Hamburg. He worked in studios for 3 years, followed by 7 years covering news for Reuters.  For the past 27 years his main focus has been reportages for magazines. He is contributing to Zeitenspiegel Reportagen in Germany and Getty Images in New York.  Sven has published 4 books, gives lectures and teaches photo workshops in Latin America and Worldwide.



Stern magazine
GEO Magazine
New York Times
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Schweizer Familie
New Yorker
Business Week
GEO France
BB Productions
+ more


“Summa Cum Laude”

Ruth Eichhorn, GEO magazine, Director of Photography


All Content © Sven Creutzmann 

All rights reserved. All photos and the structure of these websites are protected by copyright. Downloading and reproduction of all contents and structural elements for other than private purposes, for distribution and publication, require our prior written consent.

Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Sämtliche Fotografien sowie die Struktur dieser Webseite sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Das Downloaden und die Vervielfältigung sämtlicher Inhalte und Strukturelemente zu anderem als privatem Gebrauch sowie deren Verbreitung und Veröffentlichung bedarf der schriftlichen Zustimmung. 

Sven Creutzmann, Steinbecker Mühlenweg 83, 21244 Buchholz, Germany 



© sven creutzmann